Before your initial consultation, please review the terms and conditions on this page.
Yes, I’m ready to find clarity!
The Financial Clarity series is where all new clients start. We will:
Take a deep dive into your numbers, taking a hard look at the black-and-white reality (cash flow, savings and debt).
Identify the gap or surplus between your current income and your obligations and savings goals.
Discuss what simple changes might make a big impact and lessen your money stress.
Get a professional’s perspective on the health of your overall financial picture.
Provide you with the outline of a plan that gives you a clear path toward achieving your financial goals.
Strategize the most effective action steps you can take NOW for greater financial peace of mind.
This series is designed to be a standalone resource, with insights and actionable steps you can take and run with. If you’d rather not DIY your financial journey, we’ll discuss more coaching for the tools, expertise, accountability and habits you need to make your plan happen!
My promise to you, the client
I promise to coach you with care, compassion, and sound financial guidance.
I voluntarily abide by the ethics of the “fiduciary standard”—the obligation to act solely in your best interest. My sole purpose is to help you, the client.
I will honor your complete privacy. I will not share what we discuss or view with any other person without your specific and written permission.
Your promise to me, the coach
You promise to communicate openly, honestly and fully, about your financial situation and your goals, hopes and dreams. You will gain the most benefit from your consultation if you are truthful and transparent.
You will complete the assigned prep work to ensure our time together is fully utilized. This may include answering a questionnaire, filling out a financial worksheet, reading an educational article, and/or viewing an instructional video.
Completed prep work items must be submitted to the coach at least 48 business hours before your consultation or your appointment may need to be rescheduled.
To hold you accountable, there are no refunds and no rescheduling for Financial Clarity Consultations. The exception is a true emergency.
You understand you are responsible for your own actions (or non-actions), your own choices, and your own decisions.
You promise to show up 100% for your Financial Clarity Consultation and reap the rewards.
Take more control with a clear plan
“Shelly helped me to feel safe to discuss a topic I have been dealing with all alone and through avoidance.
It was not going to be easy; however, she helped me though it with her subject matter expertise, professionalism and compassion.
This helped me over a big barrier to taking more control with a clear plan and to stop living in an isolated mindset of fear and anxiety. ”